Stripe Integration Demo Project¶
Project Overview¶
The Stripe Integration Demo Project is a hands-on initiative designed to enhance the team’s expertise in Stripe's API and infrastructure. By building a full-stack application from scratch, the team aims to deepen their understanding of both the front-end and back-end components of Stripe-based systems. This project will also act as a foundational platform for the upcoming Payment Processor Project, which will be developed for commercial use.
Key Objectives:¶
Build a full-stack demo application with Stripe integration using Next.js. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the technologies involved in Stripe projects, such as payment processing, subscriptions, and invoice management. Prepare for future Stripe projects by mastering relevant concepts and components.
Project Goals¶
Technical Proficiency: At the end of the project, each team member should be able to explain the technologies implemented, including the following components:
Front-end and back-end integration using Next.js. Database management and TypeORM. Stripe's payment processing and subscription management functionalities. End-to-End Functionality: Implement a working end-to-end (E2E) application that demonstrates a complete Stripe workflow, including:
A Store with payment options. One-time and subscription-based payments. Invoice and subscription management. Deployment and Maintenance: Develop strategies for deployment and ongoing maintenance of the application.
Tech Stack¶
The project will leverage the following technologies:
Next.js: Chosen for both front-end and back-end development due to its popularity and recent adoption in Stripe projects. React: For building responsive and interactive user interfaces. Express: For handling server-side logic. TypeORM: For database management and modeling. NextAuth.js: To manage authentication, with custom configuration for compatibility with our backend. Other Libraries: Abstract classes, plugins, and third-party resources as needed. Timeline and Milestones The estimated project duration is 8 to 10 weeks. Key milestones include:
Project Setup & Initial Development (Weeks 1-2): Establish the tech stack and create the initial project framework. Store & Payment Features (Weeks 3-6): Develop the store functionality, including one-time and subscription payments. Invoice & Subscription Management (Weeks 6-8): Implement invoice management and subscription handling. Testing & Review (Week 9): Conduct extensive testing, review sequence diagrams, and make necessary adjustments. Deployment & Maintenance Strategy (Week 10): Prepare for deployment and finalize the project documentation. Features and Requirements The application will include the following key features:
Product listings, order management, and checkout functionality. Payments:
Support for one-time and subscription payments through Stripe. Invoice Management:
Integration with Stripe for managing invoices and billing. Authentication:
User login and authentication using NextAuth.js. Session management to identify logged-in users using the useSession hook.
Admin Panel:¶
Using React Admin (RA) to handle CRUD operations for products and orders. Custom pages for product and order management. Configurations to ensure backend connectivity and secure authentication. Technical Considerations Abstract Classes and Plugins: We will utilize abstract classes and plugins for code reusability and modularity. Progressive Web App (PWA): Research has been conducted on how to implement PWA features, including triggering installations.
Development Methodology¶
For this demo project, we are following a collaborative workflow to ensure consistent progress. Additionally:
Scrum Framework: We will implement Scrum practices, including a monthly Spring Demo to present progress and gather feedback. Kanban Board: To track tasks and maintain progress transparency. Managed by @Stephane Segning Lambou and @Armand Meppa.
Diagrams and Visual Documentation¶
To aid in understanding and clarity, we will be creating and reviewing the following diagrams:
Project Overview Diagram: Visual representation of the overall project structure and workflows.
UML Sequence Diagrams: Detailed sequence diagrams for critical components, such as "Subscribe to Product License" and "Manage Subscriptions."
title Full test search
actor User
User->>Frontend: SearchProduct(text)
Frontend->>Backend: searchProduct(text)
Backend->>DB: Search full text
DB-->>Backend: hits
Backend-->>Frontend: Hits
title See product discription
actor User
User->>Frontend: See a product description
Frontend->>Backend: getProduct(id)
Backend->>DB: findById(id)
DB-->>Backend: product
Backend-->>Frontend: product
Frontend->>Frontend: Display the product
title Add to cart
actor User
User->>Frontend: Add product to cart
Frontend->>Backend: addProductToCart(productId)
Backend->>Backend: getAssociatedCart() # Get cart associated with user
Backend->>Backend: addProductToCart(cartId, productId)
Backend-->>Frontend: card
title Download digital product
actor User
User->>Frontend: Download a product with id
Frontend->>Backend: getDownloadProductLink(productId) # Secure this link
Backend->>Backend: Logic to get the download link of a product for user
alt External object for links
Backend->>DB: Read product and get product-download link
DB-->>Backend: link
Backend->>DB: Read product and get link from product attribute
BD-->>Backend: product
Backend-->>Backend: extract link
Backend-->>Frontend: link #
Frontend->>Web: open link
title Buy a product
actor User
User->>Frontend: Buy a cart
Frontend->>Backend: createOrGetCheckoutSession(cartId)
Backend-->>Frontend: checkoutSession
opt Update user contact info
Frontend->>Frontend: info input
Frontend->>Backend: updateContactInfo
Backend->>DB: persist checkoutSession
DB-->>Backend: ok
Backend-->>Frontend: checkoutSession
opt Update user address info
Frontend->>Frontend: info input
Frontend->>Backend: updateAddressInfo
Backend->>Backend: Validate address data
Backend->>DB: persist checkoutSession
DB-->>Backend: ok
Backend-->>Frontend: checkoutSession
opt Update user payment info
Frontend->>Frontend: info input
Frontend->>Backend: updatePaymentInfo
Backend->>Backend: Validate payment info
Backend->>PaymentProcessor: Create payment intent
PaymentProcessor-->>Backend: intent
Backend->>Backend: Create price estimate
Backend->>DB: persist checkoutSession
DB-->>Backend: ok
Backend-->>Frontend: checkoutSession
Frontend->>Frontend: use checkoutSession to proceed to payment
opt Confirm on the backend side
Frontend->>Backend: Confirm checkout
Frontend->>Frontend: Show ok page
title Subscribe to a product license
actor User
User ->> Client: Selects Product License
Client ->> Server: Send Subscription Request
Server ->> Server: Validate Subscription Request
Server ->> Payment : Initiate Payment
Payment -->> Server: Payment Confirmation
Server ->> DB: Save Subscription and Payment Details
Server -->> Client: Subscription Success with License
Client -->> User: Display Subscription Confirmation
title Manage subscription
Customer ->> WebApp: Request to change plan or update payment method
WebApp ->> Payment Processor: Update subscription or payment method
Payment Processor ->> Backend: customer.subscription.updated OR invoice.payment_succeeded
Backend ->> Database: Save updated plan details (e.g., new plan ID, billing cycle)
Backend -->> WebApp: Notify about subscription update status
WebApp -->> Customer: Confirmation of subscription update
Customer ->> WebApp: Request to cancel subscription
WebApp ->> Payment Processor: Cancel subscription (immediate or end of billing period)
Payment Processor ->> Backend: customer.subscription.deleted
Backend ->> Database: Update subscription status to "canceled"
Backend -->> WebApp: Notify about subscription cancellation
WebApp -->> Customer: Confirmation of subscription cancellation
Research & Additional Tools¶
React Admin (RA):
Setup: Establish connection with the backend and authentication using NextAuth.js. Configuration: Simple, with pages for orders and products. Customization: Advanced, focusing on theme customization and additional features. NextAuth.js: Custom configuration for authentication, including handling sessions to retrieve logged-in clients.
No-Code Technologies: @Stephane Segning Lambou presented on no-code technologies, exploring their potential for future projects.
Design Tools: We had an introductory session on Figma for UI design exploration and basic prototype handling.
Deep dive¶
Pending Topics¶
Project Name: The name for this project is still to be decided. Deployment Models and Maintenance: Final decisions on deployment and long-term maintenance are yet to be made.